To XP or not To XP

As everyone should know by now, Microsoft no longer provides updates and support for Windows XP.  Should a PC that can't be upgraded to Windows 7 or 10 (no since even thinking about 8 at this point) be sent to the recycling center on hazardous waste day?  If the PC still works, I say no.  As long as the PC is not connected to the Internet, the lack of updates will not affect how the PC performs because unlike the our Cold and Flu season viruses cannot attack a PC through thin air. I have 3 PCs running XP.  The main reason is that I also have old peripherals (printers, scanners etc.) that work perfectly, but the manufacturers decided not to update the drivers in order to be compatible with Windows 7.   There is also one game (called Road Rash) that came out during the Windows 95 or 98 era.  It was and still is the only racing game that I can play without crashing every two seconds.  That alone is reason enough to keep my XP PCs.   Before you say anything, yes I tried compatibility mode in the more recent versions of Windows with no success.  In conclusion, go ahead and play those old games, write your epic novel, or keep track of your personal finances with a Windows XP PC.  JUST DON"T GO ONLINE!